A group of army veterans have formed a breakfast club in Bradford on Avon where they can meet up on a monthly basis.

The Bradford on Avon Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club staged its first official meeting at the Castle Inn on Saturday, February 24.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Christine Giles with the first BoA Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club gathering at the Castle Inn in Bradford on Avon. Image: Trevor Porter 70628-2Christine Giles with the first BoA Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club gathering at the Castle Inn in Bradford on Avon. Image: Trevor Porter 70628-2 (Image: Trevor Porter)

Spokesperson Christine Giles said: “We are a group of veterans and serving members of His Majesty's Armed Forces.

“Like other Veterans' Breakfast Clubs around the country and overseas, our ethos is mutual support.

“It works because we all have a similar humour and outlook, and the social life we now enjoy is like our service days. 

“We will meet for breakfast at the Castle Inn on the last Saturday of every month.

“We are currently meeting at the Three Horseshoes pub for an evening social from 6.30pm but we might be changing it to Friday from next week.”

The club has also set up a Facebook page for existing members and new members who wish to join and chat about old times and current concerns and issues.