Police have had to intervene to stop people parking within a no-parking zone near a school. 

Calne Neighbourhood PSCO Mark Cook attended the Derry Hill school on Wednesday after receiving concerned reports about the standard of parking in the area at drop-off and collecting times.

While the majority of parents parked appropriately, one driver was given words of advice regarding parking within the yellow school no parking zone.

Other warnings were issued during the PCSO's attendance, and now Wiltshire Police has said that it may need to consider issuing fines in the near future if drivers fail to adhere to advice being given.

A spokesperson for the Calne neighbourhood team said: "A brief discussion was also held with the school regarding the concerns raised. The school will be contacting parents soon to reinforce what is expected of them when dropping off or collecting their children from the school."

The visit to Derry Hill was highlighted by police as part of National Neighbourhood policing week to show some of the work that police officers can get up to in partnership with our local schools. 

The spokesperson added: "Spot checks will continue in the area.

"We will also be patrolling other schools within our policing area in the coming weeks."