Police visited schools in Swindon and Wiltshire to talk about the dangers of knife crime.

The hour-long Blunt Truth workshops aim to raise awareness of the issue by teaching children about the consequences of carrying a knife as well as what to do if someone they know is stabbed.

Wiltshire Police’s Youth and Early Intervention unit and Great Western Hospital Emergency department paediatric senior sister, Katie Rix, delivered the sessions at schools around the county last week as part of Operation Sceptre.

They encouraged young people to report to their school, the police or through the youth arm of Crimestoppers – known as FEARLESS - if someone they know is carrying a knife.

PCSO Jonathan Akehurst said: “These sessions are vital in allowing us to educate young people on the dangers of carrying knives, how they can save their friends’ lives and where they can turn to if they need help and support.

“The students were all very engaged in the sessions and hopefully we have equipped them with the tools they need if they find themselves in a situation, perhaps walking home after school, where someone is stabbed and they need to report it and apply medical first aid.”

Pupils from year nine watched a video highlighting the different outcomes of reporting someone they know to be carrying a knife and the potential tragic outcomes if they don't.

PCSO Akehurst talked to the students about the situations they could find themselves in and who they could talk to if they were worried about friends or relatives.

Sister Rix led the students in practical demonstrations of first aid training for victims of knife wounds, and shared her experiences of treating patients who had been stabbed which included her work in the armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The initiative is part-funded by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.

Wiltshire and Swindon PCC Philip Wilkinson said: "Whilst the majority of young people won't be involved directly in knife crime, these sessions make them aware of the dangers of carrying knives and gives them tools to make the right decision if they ever find themselves in difficult position of having to report someone they know who's carrying a knife.

"I was impressed with how well the pupils from Devizes School engaged with the session, and hearing directly from an A&E specialist seemed to make a strong impact.

"It shows why funding workshops like these and working closely with our partners in the NHS is worthwhile."

The Blunt Truth sessions will continue for the rest of the year and into 2024.