A popular takeaway remains open as usual despite plans to demolish their restaurant being approved by Wiltshire Council.

Shoestrings Chargrill on Audley Road, the second branch of a family-run takeaway in Chippenham, was the subject of a proposal to demolish the building and replace it with a two storey multi-use unit.

The scheme, which was granted planning permission earlier this month, would also see the neighbouring store Allumino Ltd torn down with a singular retail space and apartment replacing the businesses.

But despite the plans getting the go-ahead from the council, Shoestrings director Martin Webb says he has still not received any update from the landlord and emphasised that the takeaway remains open for business as usual.

He said: “There’s not been any change really so it’s business as usual to be honest.

“The application has gone through as I thought it would so we’ll see what happens, but we’ve been given no potential date.

“The message would be we’re open as normal, there’s nothing else to tell.”

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Allumino Ltd

Mr Webb added that, as far as he is concerned, nothing has changed since he told this paper there were no plans to move from the Audley Road branch earlier this year.

Speaking at the time he said: “We’re still operating normally. We’ve heard nothing from the landlord so we’re carrying on as normal.

“We have no plans to move from there and we’re none the wiser about what’s going to happen ourselves.

“We’re opening as we normally would and are waiting for any developments… until then it’s just rumours”.

The takeaway's other branch, at The Bridge, is also open as usual.

Landlord Gerald Mitchell did not specify any plans for filling the proposed development’s retail space in the application documents.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Shoestrings and Allumino Ltd

The agents who acted on his behalf, Inspire Architects, have previously spoken of the benefits the scheme would bring to Audley Road.

Architect Nick Charlton said: “I think it’s a really good scheme and a massive improvement on what’s there if it gets built.

“Plans for the tenants and whether the landowner is going to keep them haven’t been disclosed to us.

“He might have something in mind, but he may not, we don’t know.”

If construction goes ahead the new building will be erected between the West End Working Men’s Club and the West End Close residential complex.

The new larger retail unit will be built on the ground floor, alongside an adjoining garage and upstairs two-bedroom apartment.

Mr Mitchell did not respond to previous requests for comment.