Thousands of people flocked to a Chippenham over the bank holiday weekend for the town's landmark festival.

The annual Chippenham Folk Festival celebrated a huge milestone in style as record crowds showed out for the event’s 50th anniversary.

Saturday, May 27, saw dozens of Morris dancers take to the High Street for a parade headed by local female dance troop Hips and Haws.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Dancers at the Chippenham Folk Festival

A spokesperson for the group said: “We were delighted to be chosen to head the parade through the High Street on such an important occasion of the festival’s 50th anniversary.

“We have taken part in the parade on many years and its always a fun event that attracts hundreds to its colourful dance sides dancing in the street.”

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Dancers at the Chippenham Folk Festival

The festival has been a staple of the town’s Spring celebrations since its inception in 1972, when it began as a bank holiday event on recreation fields in Lacock.

Former mayor Maureen Lloyd says the festival has been a source of fun for her over five decades.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Maureen LloydMaureen Lloyd (Image: Trevor Porter)

She said: “I love dressing up to take part and I’ve been associated with this popular event for the last 49 years.”

Marketing Director Richard Wells paid tribute to the festival’s variety.

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: Dancers at the Chippenham Folk Festival

He added: “We had something for everyone of every age including families, a genuine merry folk fest.”