Plans have been submitted to build three new homes on the site of a derelict Chippenham building that was destroyed in a fire.

The house at 25 Rowden Hill has remained unused since the blaze several years ago.

Now developers Calibre Homes have lodged an application to demolish what is left and construct three new four bedroom homes.

They also want to create nine new parking spaces.

The proposal includes widening the footpath at the site from one metre to two metres to ease pedestrian access.

A design and access statement said: “The development of the site will be a great visual improvement compared to the current burnt out and neglected dwelling that resides on the site.

“The size, design and character of the dwellings created will blend in with the surrounding properties, ensuring the spatial characteristics of the surrounding area are replicated for the site”.

The deadline for a decision on the proposal is January 25 and the public can provide feedback on the plans through the council planning portal online at in the meantime.