The highest salary that the average young person in Wiltshire can earn is £44,367 on average.

It turns out that this is 53 per cent higher than the average salary in the South West which is £29,080.

Purple CV, a leading CV-writing service, carried out a survey of 3,000 young people aged between 18 and 24 to determine the highest annual salary they ever expect to earn.

But different regions have different aspiration levels, the survey has found.

Londoners have the highest salary expectations, where young people expect to earn a lifetime best salary of £74,728, which makes sense given that the capital is home to the highest property prices and cost of living levels. 

Expectations of salaries in the North East are the lowest, with a value of £37,369 (but still above the national average).

And across the Irish Sea, young Irish people expect a career high pay of €66,478.40, which is equal to around £56,000 in the UK.

Andrew Arkley of Purple CV said: "If you’re considering entering any new field of work, it’s a good idea to research average industry earnings to ensure you’re asking for and eventually, receiving fair compensation for your skills and qualifications."