Wiltshire has an abundance of gorgeous sights, and attractions that draw people to the famous county- but what’s missing?

We wanted to get your views on what you would change about our ever-developing towns, and this is what you said:

Better shops

This might sound surprising at first, as towns like Swindon and Salisbury act as ideal shopping hubs with all the big brands within easy access.

But in other parts of Wiltshire, some people feel that more could be done to improve their high streets.

Natasha Hunter said: "Clothes shops… why is every town just full of coffee shops?

"Banks are fading away too… You can't always buy something online.. people need to be able to try things on.’

Dave Thomas added: "The most sort of shops in Windsor's shopping streets are closed ones, followed by coffee and bakery shops, a shoe shop has closed recently it now sells tortillas.

"There are clothes shops but more the high-end ones… What's missing is a shop like Woolworths."

Space for youth

Another recurring point made was the belief that there is not enough for teenagers and young people to do in Wiltshire.

Kelly Hale said: "We need things for teenagers to actually do.

"Bring in bowling, an ice rink, arcades etcetera."

Sara Lois added: "We need a safe space for teens to hang out with plenty for them to do - without cost".

One of the initiatives being pushed for is a youth centre by Wiltshire residents - to give teenagers somewhere to go and socialise in a safe environment.

Better parking

Rob Geering, and others left two-word comments, simply stating: "Free parking".

This issue was stressed by many, with another resident, Nick Rowell saying it was a "no brainer".

Fun for all the family

It seems it’s not just teenagers who need more to do to keep them occupied.

Several people got involved in the conversation who believe there should be more leisure facilities, including bowling allies, in Wiltshire.

Marie Hilly said: "A community centre in the middle of town where you can go in and join in with activities without needing a fistful of money is needed, as a welcoming and non-judgemental space for kids, families, elders and everyone."

Gaynor Vale added: "We need decent independent shops and leisure facilities like bowling."

What would you like to see more of in your town? Join the conversation here.