A REFERENDUM on whether to adopt the Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan will be held on August 11. 

The purpose of the Neighbourhood Plan is to set out a series of planning policies that will be used to help determine planning applications in the area in the period to 2036.

The area covers Marlborough (including Manton), Mildenhall and Savernake, and would be subject to regular reviews and updates. 

The question which will be asked is: "Do you want Wiltshire Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Marlborough to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?"

For the plan to be adopted it requires a majority vote in favour. 

There will be opportunities for people from the three parishes to find out more and to meet the Marlborough Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group at a public meeting at Marlborough Town Hall on Tuesday, July 19, from 7pm, and in an online meeting at the same time the following Tuesday (July 26). 

There will also be a pop-up stand on the steps of Marlborough Town Hall on Wednesday, August 3, from 10am to 1pm. 

The Plan and supporting documents are available here wiltshire.gov.uk/planning-neighbourhood-latest-news.