PLANS have been submitted to redevelop a caravan site near Chippenham.

The applicants want to add 44 statics for holiday purposes to Plough Lane Caravan Site, in Kingston Langley, as well as replacing existing touring pitches.

They are also looking to extend their operating times from 11 to 12 months a year.

Permission was granted in 2000 for the use of the land for up to 60 touring caravans for 11 months a year and for storage of up to 20 touring caravans. 

In 2011 permission was granted for eight static units to be placed on south-west corner of the site on a permanent basis for holiday purposes.

The lodges would be owned by individuals and sold on the basis that they could only be used for holiday use.

The applicants would also have to make it clear that it is their intention that the lodges would be sold with age restrictions that would be enforced through the park, ensuring that the 'adult only' set up of the site would continue.

The applicants said that placing static caravans on the site for 12 months a year will enable the site to offer year-round accommodation which will bring benefits to the local economy in the winter months in terms of the caravan occupiers using local facilities.

They added: "The nature of the use of the site means that it attracts visitors to the area. Those visitors contribute to economic wellbeing through their financial contribution to the local economy.

"Particularly at a time when there is considerable pressure on local businesses to maintain economic stability, such facilities are of considerable importance."

They also said that it is anticipated that the use of the site would continue much as at present, except for an additional month and a change from touring caravans to statics, saying: "In this sense, the impacts of the development on the local area in terms of traffic and use of local facilities in the additional month of use would not vary from the existing use." 

The site would continue to use the existing access and maintain the existing car parking arrangements.

It is not considered that the use of the access for an extra month would create an adverse highways impact particularly as the number of units on the site would be decreasing from the amount of touring units allowed under the touring caravan permission.

To view the plans in full, click here.