After the death of popular soap character Vera Duckworth on Coronation Street, Age Concern Wiltshire is highlighting the need for older people to plan ahead.

Millions tuned in to the ITV soap last week as Vera left behind her screen husband, Jack (William Tarmey). As well as having to deal with the terrible grief of losing his beloved wife, he also had to begin making all of the arrangements for her funeral without any indication of her wishes.

Although this is a soap opera, it does highlight the issue of not making any prior arrangements for when the time comes. In fact, less than two per cent' of people pre-plan their funeral.

With the latest figures showing the average cremation funeral costing £2,217, and with this figure predicted to rise to £3,350 by 2012, Age Concern is highlighting the importance of planning ahead.

Penny Church at Age Concern Wiltshire said, "Unfortunately Vera Duckworth died very unexpectedly and didn't plan ahead, but if people do take care of plans beforehand, it enables them to know their arrangements are settled so they can get on with enjoying life.

"If you plan ahead you can ensure your wishes are understood, from the service you would like, to the readings and hymns."