Red Nose Day and British Science Week brought a colourful change from normal classes for Ramsbury Primary School.

Each morning every class enjoyed a mini-experiment with their teacher to encourage making predictions and developing enquiry. The Year 6 science ambassadors ran workshops to make Newton colour wheels, NASA helicopters and to find out how many drops of water would fit onto a penny.

There were whole school reading sessions with some of the science books that parents bought from The White Horse book shop. Class 6 teamed up with their buddies to make super slime with Mrs Mayer - it is possible that there will be slime deposit discoveries around Class R for many years to come.

A Lego Mindstorm team visited Year 5 and Year 6 on different days to build robots.

Each team was given 12 missions to complete. This involved coding a robot that they built that morning with instructions and bespoke attachments to carry about tasks such as inserting a pacemaker, widening an artery ready for a stent, adding bionic eyes and dispensing medication!

It was an amazing experience for everybody and a wonderful environment packed with new skills.

Class 2 visited Cotswold Wildlife Park to learn how animals are adapted to their habitats.

They saw the Jamaican boa that they had learned about in October and found out that the sloth's slow movement helps it to need to eat food less frequently. In school, the class has been learning about penguins and they saw how Humboldt penguins from Chile and Peru are well camouflaged from predators.

They were even lucky enough to meet the new baby rhino, Queenie, and had a close encounter with one of the giraffes. Mrs Juliet Rean, Class 2 teacher said they all loved being able to get out and about and had a fabulous day.

Pupils finished off the week with a whole school science treasure hunt. The children had to piece together a series of cryptic clues to find the scrabble letters that had been placed around the school by Mrs Pollock and her science ambassadors, to solve the mystery science word. The Ambassadors were on hand to help with more clues, as it was very hard! There were prizes of slime to all who took par

To top off the excitement, Friday was also Red Nose Day 2022. The children were invited to come in to school wearing ‘as much red as possible’. They managed to raise more than £300.