OUTLINE plans to build six houses in Lydeway have been rejected by Wiltshire Council.

The plan by Planning Base Ltd, which included two affordable “starter” houses, was refused due to the proposed location on land south of Bell House.

The local authority said the bid’s sitting outside of an existing settlement in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and its distance from employment and other amenities -- heavily factored into the decision.

“The development of six new dwellings with associated parking and turning areas and other associated domestic paraphernalia located within the sensitive landscape of the North Wessex Downs AONB in this location would have a serious negative visual impact on the rural character of this protected landscape,” planning officers wrote.

“The proposal, through its tight form and layout, would consolidate the existing loose knit character within this location and would have an adverse impact on the rural character of the area and would be at odds with the general layout of the existing housing stock.”

Officers added that there was not enough information on flood risk mitigation and on heritage assets.