VODAFONE has been denied planning permission to install new antennas in Marlborough.

The telecommunications giants put in a bid with Wiltshire Council to build four antennas and three cabinets on St Peter’s Church on the High Street.

According to the plans, the antennas and cabinets would be painted brown to match the 15th century church.

The antenna would be housed in the bell tower.

Wiltshire Council’s planning officers wrote: “The works affect the historic fabric and setting of a 15th century Grade II Listed Building, namely the Church of St Peter and St Paul a fine example of a late medieval ecclesiastical building of high status and importance.

“The current application does not adequately support or assess the full impact of the proposals on the significance of the designated heritage asset and is lacking in detailed information to fully inform on the proposals.

“The application introduces new elements that cause strong concerns over their impact on the building, its fabric and setting, which are considered to cause harm.

“No justification has been put forward to support these elements nor have any alternative options been considered that might give rise to understanding why the current locations have been proposed or measures taken to mitigate their likely visual and physical impact on the grade II listed church.”