A Wiltshire woman whose clinic specialises in helping people achieve and maintain gut health has published a book packed with advice on doing just that.

Called Let That Sh*t Go! and subtitled 31 Things To Do If You Want A Better Poo, Katherine Brooke-MacKenzie’s book draws on her 16 years’ experience, helping people at the business end of gut health, through her colonic irrigation practice.

She wants to, in her words, “get rid of the poo taboo”, so people will talk about their gut health and not be embarrassed to seek help.

Front cover

Front cover

She said: “I see lots of people who are given outdated advice, often taking a lot of medication to sort their bowel problems. We need to go back to basics, get the bacterial environment in our guts right and listen to those messages, paying attention to the quality, regularity and comfort of our bowel movements. Because when your gut functions properly, life feels great!”

Based in Chippenham, Katherine’s practice – The Healthy Gut Clinic – helps people with a range of functional bowel issues, like constipation, diarrhoea and IBS, as well as those who are detoxing, or who proactively want to maintain gut health.

Katherine believes everything from sleeplessness, to menstrual problems, to migraines can be helped by first achieving gut health.

The book focuses on simple, common sense steps that everyone can take to improve their digestive function.
