Wessex Water shares some simple advice to beat the freeze and protect your home from burst pipes.

While we are all on lockdown for a third time and spending lots more time back at home, the last thing anyone needs during the colder months is a burst pipe or a pesky leak to have to worry about.  

Locate and test your stop tap

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald:

You should locate and test your internal stop tap so that you know how to turn off your water supply just in case a burst occurs. They are usually located underneath the kitchen sink and can be switched off by being turned clockwise.

Fix taps and check for leaks

A dripping tap not only wastes water, but also makes your pipes more likely to freeze during winter. A trickle of water can become completely frozen, resulting in a block or even a burst.

Prepare for winter by fixing any leaking taps before temperatures begin to drop. To spot a leak elsewhere in your home, look out for any drops in water pressure.

If your property is metered and the meter dial is turning when you are not using any water, it is likely you have a leak.

Turn off your internal stop tap and check the meter again. If the meter dial has stopped turning you may have a leak inside your property. If the meter is still turning when the stop tap is off, you your leak may be on your private supply pipe (between the street boundary and your internal pipework). Contact Wessex Water if this is the case, as they may be able to repair your private supply pipe for free, even though it’s your responsibility.

Lag your pipes

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald:

Exposed pipes in cold areas of your home such as the attic or garage can become frozen, leading to potential bursts. Prevent this from happening by applying lagging to pipes which are exposed to the cold, remembering to cover all joints and bends.

Lagging can be purchased from most DIY stores. Wessex Water has some handy step-by-step tips on its website for how to fit lagging to your pipes.

Bleed your radiators

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald:

If your heating is on and the top of your radiator is cold, then it most likely needs bleeding. Use a key to release any trapped air in your radiators and keep a cloth nearby to catch any water that drips from the valve.

Be aware that depending on your type of central heating, once you’ve bled your radiators, your boiler pressure may drop, meaning it may need to be re-pressurised.

Cover any outdoor taps

The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald:

A frozen outdoor tap can be easily avoided by using an outdoor tap cover. You can pick these up from most hardware and DIY shops. They will help to ensure you have a constant flow of water, even when the weather is freezing.

Insulate as much as you can

A lot of cold air can enter your home through your attic if it isn’t insulated correctly. By taking the time to properly insulate, you can ensure your home stays warm while also reducing your heating bills.

Draughty doors and windows could also be the reason your home feels so cold during winter. You can fix this problem by applying weatherstripping to your window and door frames, as well as using door sweeps to prevent cold air from sneaking in.

In an emergency

If you experience a frozen pipe, firstly turn off your internal stop tap to stop the flow of water. Partly turn on any affected taps to relieve any pressure, then thaw the frozen pipe using a hot water bottle or some warm towels.

It’s also worth having the contact details of a local Watersafe-approved plumber to hand in case you’re faced with a leak or a burst pipe.

Although we’re in January already, it’s not too late to get your home prepared for the cold and make sure you and your household are safe.