SCHOOL children from St Katharine’s Primary in Savernake are helping to save dormice.

Years 5 and 6 children are planting a wildlife corridor as part of their dormouse conservation project.

They found out that there is no dormouse population in the spinney of woodland they use to study wildlife.

Ramsbury Estates has also got involved, and has led the project in which the children are planting a ‘wild life corridor’ hedgerow approximately 250 m long, to connect the spinney to the main part of Savernake Forest.

Their aim is to encourage dormice, specifically the Hazel Dormouse, which is on the red endangered list, into the Spinney.

A number of other business and companies have also supported the project including farmer David Homer, in whose field the hedge will be in.

The year 5/6 children have planned the project, had to present to Duncan from Ramsbury Estates their proposal, write to local businesses for sponsorship and support.