A ROAD in a village near Chippenham is the most expensive in the SN postcode after a survey on data from the Land Registry.

Church Lane in Box had three sales with an average price of £1,134,666 this compares with the cheapest average price in SN which was Shire Court off Westcott Place, Swindon where the house price is £70,125 and Stonefield Close, west Swindon, where house prices have averaged £70,900.

The village of Buckland, near Faringdon, where sales averaged £1.31m was the second most expensive and Cardigan Road in Marlborough was third most expensive with four sales averaging £1,131,250.

The figures were crunched by firm Property Solvers from HM Land Registry data.

The company’s co-founder Ruban Selvanayagam said: “To keep the data less skewed, we only ranked the streets that had over three sales.

“It’s therefore worth noting detached property in Ramsbury, Marlborough sold for £2,550,000 in November 2018.

“Another 7-bed detached property on Middlehill in Box sold for £1,950,000 in October 2016 and there were a number of other sales over the £1.5m mark.

“At the other end of the market there were properties that sold for under £65,000 on Moorlands in Chippenham (SN15), Turnpike Road in Highworth (SN6) and Rodbourne Road in Swindon (SN2).”