A Pewsey psychology student is looking for horses to study for a research paper.

Robyn Mackenzie is studying for a diploma in Intelligent Horsemanship and is asking owners of asymetrical horses to help her out.

"I am looking to make a direct link between physical and behavioural dominance," she said.

"For instance, if a horse has a bigger left shoulder, is the horse more likely to spook to the left? In other words, making the link between the horse's physical attributes and connecting that to it's behaviour."

She want to hold a free event, to gather information from owners and their horses, paying particular attention to physical and behavioural dominance.

At the event she will be studying the conformation of the horses and watching how they move when a stimulus is introduced.

She has selected a range of activities including, pilates for horses and leading and lunging exercises using poles.

"Like every human, every horse is naturally asymmetrical. Every horse is left or right handed and left or right bended in its body.

Natural asymmetry was not a problem for the horse until we domesticated them and added a rider into the equation!"