HEALTH and Wellbeing Coach, Bonny Prim, 45 based in Swindon, has launched an initiative to support people who are either pre-diabetic or who have type two diabetes, in Devizes. 

As a nutritional therapist, Mrs Prim works with clients who have type two diabetes and has been successful in helping them reverse their condition and no longer need medication.The support group started on 1st October. 

Mrs Prim said: “I wanted to start the action group to offer more people support, as working one on one with someone I can appreciate not everyone can afford it. A focus group supports a wider range of people. It’s an ongoing action group because I found people, after some initial support doing a course of about six to eight weeks, asking what do I do now?”

She added: “People are told to lose weight, eat better but what does that mean? Without being specific, people may not know the best health advice. Support by the NHS isn’t always available but I think they know these approaches work but they haven’t been able to put them in place.”

Mrs Prim feels that the methods she uses go against the widely known advice from the NHS, as medical research has shown this may be outdated. 

“It takes a while for the NHS to catch-up as there are pockets of money for health coaches for different conditions, but the budget isn’t there and it isn’t available in all areas of the country. From a nutritional perspective there is outdated advice, so it doesn’t always enable people to follow through with the method they have been given.”

With over 10 million people at an increased risk of getting the disease, Mrs Prim feels now is the time to act and support as many people as possible.

She said: “I was one of these people many years ago in the obese bracket and pre-diabetic. I decided to educate myself and now use this knowledge to help my clients. The response so far is positive, people are requesting an evening class and an online course which I’m hoping to do.

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