DURING last week's World Autism Awareness Week children at Corsham Regis Primary Academy were given an insight into the condition.

Reception children discussed why they were wearing different clothes and watched a video clip which explained what autism is. Having also watched the video clip, older children in Years 1-2 discussed how they could help autistic children so that they wouldn't feel so anxious.

They also learnt about the Trummies, who are the mascots for The National Autistic Society.

Headteacher Gareth Spicer said: “ I want to thank Gail McCrum for leading all the staff in planning and teaching these activities to our children, and for raising awareness of autism. So many young people today struggle with autism and are often misunderstood. The aim was to remove some of the barriers these children face in schools and to foster empathy so that they know what it is like to be on the Autistic Spectrum.”