THE Avebury Cricket Pavilion is 90 years old and is falling down and was second hand in the 1940s said parish councillor Mrs Lynzey Paradise at the Marlborough Area Board meeting last week.

Speaking on behalf of the community she applied to Wiltshire Council for £5,000 towards the cost of providing a new sports pavilion.

"The current pavilion is not fulfilling what it needs to do," she said, "in terms of providing changing facilities. We have children coming to play cricket from all over the area and they love it but we don't have a suitable pavilion for them."

Wiltshire Councillor Jane Davies said the pavilion was very well used for social events, for apple day and the football team and was integral for the community. The National Trust own the land she said and had put in planning permission for the pavilion but she was sure it would be granted.

Cllr Fogg said the money should be given but ringfenced until the village was ready to proceed with the project. The parish council would support the plan.