A MAN who was found carrying three knives in the centre of Chippeham has been jailed for two years.

George Gale had bought the blades from a shop before going to meet a man who he later told police he had threatened to 'slash up'.

After hearing the 21-year-old has been caught with knives twice before and was on a community order for theft at the time, a judge jailed him.

Chris Smyth, prosecuting, told Swindon Crown Court how police were alerted by a member of the public who had seen him with a knife in Chippenham.

When they got to the town bridge they found Gale, who pulled a knife out from his left tracksuit pocket and handed it to the officer.

He was asked if there were any more, and he said he had two more inside his top, adding he was 'Carrying them for my own protection'.

When he was questioned he said he was due to meet a traveller who he said had been causing relatives of his problems.

The court heard that Gale had been jailed for having a knife in March 2013 and August 2016 and was put on a community order for theft in mid September.

Mr Smyth added that he also had 22 other previous convictions for either assault or battery.

Gale, of no fixed abode, pleaded guilty to possessing a bladed article.

Guy Wyatt, defending, said his client was of 'limited intellect' and that his family says he suffers from a degree of autism.

Although he faced a mandatory six-month jail term for his previous knife offences, he said it was an exceptional case.

He said Gale's grandmother, who didn't believe he had made threats against anyone, was willing to have him live with her.

Mr Wyatt said that he even had a job lined up as a labourer laying tarmac for the same traveller he was said to be threatening.

Jailing him Judge Robert Pawson said "Like Mr Smyth I started totalling up the convictions you have for violence. I totalled 35, but I included public order matters.

"You carried those knives with intent to contact someone from the travelling community who you felt you had to warn off from your family.

"You told the police you had previously threatened this person with slashing him up and carried the knives about your person for ease of access."