NOW we have reached June 23 I really feel that it should be emphasised that this genuinely is the final chance to save democracy and self-determination in this country and, to a great extent, across Europe.

Some will no doubt think this is ‘exaggerating for effect’, but it is the truth. I have lost count of the times that I have heard, or read the words “this is not what we voted for in 1975” whenever the EU is discussed.

I must make it clear that the EU we have today is exactly the one those people who voted “in” at the last referendum. All that is happening in the EU today is outlined in the Treaty of Rome, drawn up in 1957.

Unfortunately, most of the electorate did not read in full the text in the Treaty of Rome.

The plan is, and always has been, the creation of “a supranational super state” or, in basic terms, a European empire run by the same politicians, businesspeople, multi-millionaires and so on who are urging you to vote to “remain”. This is to allow them to continue on their ‘gravy train’ at the expense of the rest of us.

Those who told you in 1975, notably Prime Minister Heath, that it was “only about trade” lied then, and their modern-day counterparts are lying now.

The changes that we have seen (endured might be a better word) since 1975 are as nothing compared to the changes the next 12 months will bring when the Treaty of Lisbon fully ‘kicks in’.

The EU of 2017 and forward will be as different from the EU of today as this is from the one we had in 1975. The “remainers” have deliberately avoided mentioning the Lisbon Treaty.

If we make the error of voting ‘remain’ we will be sending a clear message to both Westminster and Brussels that we approve of these changes and we will see them rigorously enforced. The saddest part is that, unless you have studied the EU, its history and intentions, or listen to those who have, the average person voting ‘remain’ is unaware of the exact detail of what they are voting for today, any more than those who voted “in” did 41 years ago.

It cannot be stressed too much. Next year’s EU will not be the EU you know today.

We have done our very best to warn you. Whether you listen, or will be writing to the papers in 12 months complaining that “this isn’t what we voted for in 2016” is up to you.

We, of the leave campaign, can do no more but tell you the facts. The ‘remain’ side are keeping very quiet about the future, after the full content of the Lisbon Treaty takes effect.

TONY MOLLAND, Former chairman, Devizes Constituency UKIP Association