Letter sent to A Macpherson, Wiltshire Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon Congratulations on your re-election. In your pre-election proposals, you expressed the wish to see more police patrolling the streets.

In this connection, I would suggest that the duties of the community police should be merged with those of traffic wardens but with additional powers to enforce bye-laws and public legislation such as the Litter Act.

At the moment, the bye-law of no cycling in the Brittox is blatantly ignored, but this is hardly surprising as there is no preventive enforcement. There are also numerous other offences caused by the dropping of cigarette butts, spat-out chewing gum and litter on pavements.

If the community police officers were given the task of enforcement, there would be a need for them to patrol the streets and thus enhance their presence and reduce the number of offences.

I do hope that now you have been re-elected you will give serious consideration to and implementation on these suggestions.

SIDNEY JAQUES, Wharf Street, Devizes