TO THE man and woman in the street, it is debatable if the years of austerity are over or not. To Wiltshire Council, however, there can be no doubt at all: turn the tap on and return to spending.

Given a licence by the government to increase council tax by a maximum of four per cent, it has done just that. And from the press releases emanating from the Department of Communities and Local Government this is only the first of way-above inflation increases that could apply for the life of this government.

In my case, and, I suspect, in many other cases too, it means that, at a stroke, 40 per cent of my forthcoming state pension increase will be siphoned off immediately to Wiltshire Council. Over the next four years this will amount to more than £300.

Eric Pickles, the previous incumbent of the Department of Communities & Local Government, had his many critics – and no, I was not one of them – but I bet many of them are now shouting: “Come back, Eric, all is forgiven”!

JOHN BERRY, Fallow Field Close, Chippenham