What a brilliant article by Ed Deedigan last week. Whilst we shed synthetic tears over the slaughter of lions in Africa, the horrific scale of the deaths of human beings seeking asylum in Europe is being discussed in language that dehumanises and vilifies the very people so desperate for our help.

Europe’s state of panic is irrational and morally reprehensible. It is also indefensible on pragmatic grounds.

It is clearly not possible to return asylum seekers to their country of origin.

Their countries are ravaged by war, they face persecution and other forms of violence and the right to seek asylum is one of the most important obligations in international law. Leaving them in appalling conditions in makeshift camps in Calais is no solution either.

Insurmountable tensions will build up and further unnecessary deaths will occur.

For years policy makers have been arguing that Europe’s population is ageing and in some countries shrinking.

Many of those wishing to come to Britain are highly educated, skilled, motivated and young.

On moral grounds alone Britain must take its share of refugees if it has any claim at all to be a civilised and decent country. Practically we will all benefit.

Sylvia Card, Marlborough.