Last night (September 22) I received a cold call from Brian Mathew, Liberal Democrat candidate for North Wiltshire, inviting me to a Liberal Democrat presentation in Yatton Keynell.

I said I wasn’t interested and asked for no further calls, and for my details to be removed from their database.

Dr Mathew told me that unless I disclosed my political preferences, he couldn’t guarantee that I would not receive further calls.

This invidious behaviour needs to be stopped, for two good reasons: The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) guidance on political campaigning state: “Organisations may use phone calls to promote a political party, candidate, or referendum campaign unless the organisation has grounds for believing the individual would not want it to contact them, such as TPS registration.” I am registered with the TPS.

This is in breach of the Data Protection Act 1998. Every private individual has a right to stop receiving cold calls and to have their personal details removed from a database unconditionally.

I feel that Dr Mathew’s attempt to gain personal information this way is misleading.

I couldn’t tell from the phone call whether Dr Mathew is an amateur or just inept. I’ll leave your readers to make their own judgement.

Bob Williams, Langley Road, Chippenham.