A LETTER revealing that 1,500 students a day will attend the new Defence Training College at Lyneham in its first phase has been welcomed by North Wiltshire MP James Gray.

“I was delighted to see from a letter from Defence Minister Anna Soubry MP that the plans for the Defence Training College at Lyneham are proceeding apace,” said Mr Gray this morning.

“The Minister tells me that the MoD sites at Arborfield and Bordon are closing and that REME (Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers) will be moving in to Lyneham in October this year.

"There will be an estimated average student population in its first phase of around 1,500 per day.

"That will require 300 service posts and 160 civil service posts at the site and there will no doubt be civilian posts as well for some functions at Lyneham.

"This is the first phase of the work and the numbers will increase as the years go on.”

“I was also delighted to hear from a local manufacturer that he has recently won a very large contract for the provision of outdoor furniture for the site, confirming the MoD’s determination to use local contractors.

"The whole development of the Defence and Technical Training College at Lyneham will be great news for the economy of the local area, and I very much look forward to its final establishment.”

In her letter, Ms Soubry says: "In the region of 300 service posts and 160 civil service posts will be established at the site.

"The service posts will be filled by personnel assigned to complete a tour at MoD Lyneham.

"It is anticipated that the civil service posts will be filled through the relocation of some personnel from Bordon and Arborfield or recruitment conducted in the area local to MoD Lyneham."