How many people can you squeeze into a public library?

Not many when it is the smallest library in Wiltshire and possibly in the world.

Villagers in Aldbourne responded to a call to see how many people could cram into the village library with everyone contributing at least £1 towards Children in Need.

There were disappointingly few villagers present as the 8.15pm deadline approached for the event but more than 20 Guides arrived at the very last minute and joined the big squeeze.

The Aldbourne library was originally the front room of a cottage and is smaller than the kitchens in some modern homes.

Precisely 70 people squeezed in but, said organiser Trish Rushen, "we could probably have got another 30 in".

The idea of the Pudsey Press as it was called came from Matt Gibbs, secretary of the Aldbourne Youth Council who reluctantly admitted: "Yes it was kind of my idea."

Mrs Rushen said: "We had wondered how many people could squeeze in the library and Matt said why not do it for Children in Need."

People were press ganged from the nearby Crown pub to join in the squash and the final head count was exactly 70 people and two dogs. Those taking part included parish councillors and the district and county councillor Chris Humphries.

The event ended up making just under £200 for Children in Need.

Mrs Trishen said inquiries were being made to see if Aldbourne library could not only be claimed to be the smallest in Wiltshire but also, possibly, the smallest in the world.