A SCRABBLE fan is hoping to organise regular nights on the tiles for other local wordsmiths in East Wiltshire.

Ashley de Safrin is hoping his plans to establish a new club for lovers of the popular word-making game will spell success and is calling on people in Swindon and Wiltshire to get in touch.

Having recently moved to the area from London, Mr de Safrin said he had found there was a lack of Scrabble clubs locally, having only found groups in Oxford, Cirencester and Pangbourne.

Now he is keen to establish a Scrabble club in East Wiltshire for those interested in playing serious Scrabble both socially and possibly competitively.

“I thought, I am sure a town the size of Swindon with all of the smaller towns around as well, there must be some interest in setting a club up,” he said.

“There are a lot of benefits to people that want to play the game, including mental stimulation which keeps your mind going. The social side is also so extremely important. It is not just playing the game, it is also the people that play the game.

“Then there is the opportunity to play in a tournament for those who want to be more competitive, but you don’t have to be a champion player to join, any standard and all ages are welcome.

“We play to an official Scrabble dictionary that is used by Scrabble clubs throughout the world so that there are no arguments about what words are or are not allowed and two players to a game.

“The idea is to meet weekly one evening, probably in Aldbourne, as it is well located for anyone coming down from Swindon as well as those living elsewhere in East Wiltshire.”

For more information or to register an interest call 07584 354699 or email Ashley.desafrin@gmail.com.