With yet another revelation of tax evasion and illegality perpetrated by yet another bank, this time HSBC, is it not time that the Government once and for all clamped down and pursued the perpetrators to the point of prosecution?

Are politicians so deeply entwined with their bank-rolling buddies that any hope of them being prosecuted is futile? Surely the British public will no longer stand for such blatant acts of double standards and illegality?

What are we to do to ensure that such shenanigans are no longer tolerated, when the politicians are complicit and benefit from these immoral practices? Perhaps the next election should be cancelled until a full investigation is carried out and we can establish who knew what about who, and who is funding who.

David Cameron was quick to publically lambast Jimmy Carr, the ill-advised comedian, when his irregular but relatively small by comparison, tax avoidance practices came to light. However, he seems unable, or unwilling, at the point of writing, to publically condemn and pursue the banks who are allegedly designing tax dodging practices on an industrial level.

Trillions of pounds are apparently coffered away in offshore banking scams out of reach of British and other international tax revenues, to the extent that, in reality there would be no need for austerity measures in this or any other country if the rich had a sense of morality and paid all that they owe.

One would have thought that Mr Cameron, with his family’s long history and involvement in investment banking and brokerage, would have a clear insight to the practices of bankers and would be in a better position to inform legislation to curb their immoral excesses. Or is it his, and his family’s, long history of benefiting from that murky world that divides his loyalty?

I am by no means suggesting that Mr Cameron and his fellow Conservatives are solely culpable for such complicity but, as a party of the rich for the rich, steeped in centuries of exploitation and feeding off the poor, they, more then any other political party, should have the knowledge and the know-how to ensure bankers and other wealth manipulators at least pay their fair share. Bankers, lest we forget, caused the situation we, and so many of the western economies, find ourselves in. Perversely, bankers and their like have become unimaginably wealthier as the majority have suffered.

Don’t be fooled by the propaganda. With a little research, the real reason why the majority of the population’s quality of life has been eroded is because of the rich.

When they say that they are the wealth creators ask them who does all the dirty work that creates the wealth? The answer is staring at you in your mirror. Many of the super rich have in fact inherited their wealth (including many of the Conservative politicians), having done nothing to contribute, but take the biggest rewards!

With each of these tawdry revelations the old order is one step closer to collapse. My hope is that the masses resist the inevitable temptation to exact revenge on our former exploiters and that we move forward to an enlightened new order. Meanwhile, to avoid the temptations that politicians find so hard to resist, and to keep them in touch with those who they are supposed to serve, can we do away with party funding from wealthy individuals or unions? No more honours for cash, no more smoke and mirrors, just good old accountability and honest legislation based on the true needs of the majority and not sold to the highest bidder.