Great news about the A303. Dualling will allow traffic to run freely, reduce rat-running and, hopefully, prevent accidents.

But it’s a pity future generations will miss Stonehenge as a landmark on the road. Enjoy the view while you can because shortly wonderment will exclusively be through an English Heritage experience as folk are funnelled to the stones through Airman’s Corner.

The upside is that the trunk road eyesore alongside the World Heritage site will be expunged.

It has been suggested to me that Wiltshire Council’s consultation on flooding, which will be complete at the end of the month, has not been adequately publicised, so I’ve checked. The council does actually have an easily accessible webpage devoted to consultations of various sorts, which I would urge people to visit and respond to ( The link will take you to the Wiltshire Local Flood Risk Management Strategy document, which is very helpful – the map on page 7 which shows where there’s flooding risk in the county is especially interesting. In 2014 more than 500 properties have been flooded in Wiltshire and climate change (whatever its cause) suggests the future will be no better.

I have asked Eric Pickles for a meeting to discuss what I believe will be the unsustainable over-development of Warminster. The original 900 new units planned has been bumped up by 300 which, to my mind, is just too much if the settlement is to retain its market town character. I want affordable houses to address local need and am far less keen on more commuter homes for people who will have to hack up the inadequate A350 and A36 for work along the M4 corridor.

I very much enjoyed chicken nuggets and chips at Westbury Infants School on Friday. School dinners have improved since my day! It was also a privilege to announce the successful candidates in the election to the school council.