Farmers across Wiltshire have been taking advantage of the recent improved weather by harvesting their crops later at night.

But there was no sympathy from one Calne resident, who called the police to complain a combine harvester was making too much noise near his house.

The man, who lives in Quemerford, made the complaint at around 1am on Sunday.

He phoned the police 101 number and reported the farmer was harvesting crops in a nearby field and he and his family could not sleep.

Sergeant Phil Connor, of Calne Police, said: “He said he saw lights on the machine and that he thought it was a combine harvester.

“He said he thought farmers should not be harvesting at that time of the morning.

“Wiltshire Police did not respond as we were satisfied it was a combine harvester making the most of the break in the bad weather. It is not a police matter.”