CHILDREN in Corsham were able to walk around loud and proud as they raised money for Julia’s House as part of their noisy sensory walk event, organised by the Corsham Childminder’s Group.

Around 60 children hit saucepans, and tins, rustle plastic, play musical instruments and run up and down a large keyboard mat in the beaming sunshine at Corsham Cricket Club.

Childminder Mavis Rose, said: “We decided to do a noisy sensory walk, so we had noisy activities going on around the cricket ground, such as hanging saucepans to bang, tin cans, some rustling coloured plastic, different tubes, metal kitchen utensils and lots of musical instruments.

“The children decorated a tappy stick for hitting the instruments to make as much noise as possible.

“They absolutely loved it.

“After the children had completed the course they made some drums to take home and played with the bubbles.

“The event was a huge success but we couldn’t have done it without sponsorship and help.”