HOW refreshing it was to hear Sir James Dyson on the recent Andrew Marr show explaining why Brexit will open huge opportunities to create jobs in the UK once the dead hand of the EU is removed.
In his interview he said: “There’s a fantastic opportunity outside Europe. There’s opportunity within Europe, but it is the slowest-growing area in the world. I think 90 per cent of future growth will come outside the EU. And that’s true with Dyson.”
And as far as the tortured negotiation is concerned: “I’ve been dealing with the EU and the EU countries for the last 25 years, on IEC standards and energy labels and all that kind of thing. There’s no way to deal with them. You have to walk away. And if you walk away they’ll come to us. Because they want to export all their products to us. We’re in a very, very strong position. Incredibly strong position. We shouldn’t give them any money, we should just walk away”.
How different this vision and optimism is when compared with the negative moaning of failed politicians such as Mandelson, Kinnock and Clegg, all of whom made small fortunes working in the Brussels bureaucracy. None of these individuals have created wealth yet they spout as if they understand the ways of trading around the world.
It’s great to hear our local entrepreneur and job creator making his positive and inspirational views known and we should listen carefully to them over the clatter of the uninformed political elite.