IMPVORVED housing options and more private rentals for younger people will attract and keep young families in Marlborough, a housing consultation has found.

The Housing Needs consultation which took place in Marlborough earlier in the year will be discussed at a meeting on October 24 in the Town Hall.

Results revealed that housing and commuting costs were factors behind the shrinkage of the working age population in the town. It was also found that residents did not want to see more retirement housing in the area.

A number of policy initiatives that the town and county councils could take advantage of to improve affordable housing options for younger and lower earners were cited. These included publicising the existence of tenancy deposit schemes, liaising with local lettings agents and landlords and encouraging building owners to turn ‘above the shop’ unused space into letting opportunities.

However the survey also found that house prices had remained stable for the last few years, and were 'relatively' low for an attractive semi rural community at 1.3 times the average house price in England.

Everyone is being encouraged to come to the event which will reveal the key findings and begin to explore feedback received from housing expert consultants.

The meeting takes place on Tuesday October 24 from 7pm.