A TEACHING assistant who has worked under four head teachers at Kings Lodge School over a period of 28 years said her last goodbyes to her colleagues and pupils this week.

Lyn Wolveridge, who started working as an assistant at the school in October 1989, was honoured in her final assembly on Tuesday (July 18) but has since said she will look back fondly on her time at the school, despite the changing nature of her job.

“When I first became a teaching assistant the job was more helping with the children to dress after PE, clean up painting equipment and do simple tasks,” Miss Wolveridge said. “I will miss all of the lovely friends I have made but of course I will still see them outside school. I will also miss the children who make me laugh at times.”

The Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 teacher is now looking forward to enjoying her free time.

“I’m looking forward to doing every day thing instead of waiting for the weekend to do them,” she added. “More free time to holiday when I want to!”