I WAS astonished to see in your last issue Cllr Terry Chivers complaining about how useless the Wiltshire Council reporting app was and how ineffective the system is at getting issues dealt with. 
This is absolutely not my experience. I have set up a Facebook group to report potholes called ‘Melksham and villages pothole watch’ and in the past three months have reported about 20 potholes via the website and had nearly all of them filled. 
Indeed our sister group in Salisbury was on the BBC News only this past week, having used the service to fill 40 holes. 
Furthermore, since Cllr Chivers registered with the app he has only reported two issues, fly-tipping two years ago and a pothole nearly three years ago, and both were completed. 
If Cllr Chivers is going to write these letters it would make more sense to do so with some actual personal experience of the problem he is claiming to have rather than making it up for the sake of a faux outraged campaign letter.
Woodrow Road