A 16-year-old boy who crashed his moped while riding without a licence has appeared in the dock.

In October last year the teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was with a friend who had an AJS Firefox moped in the Vale Community Centre Car Park, Pewsey, when he was asked if he wanted to ride it - and said yes. 

He was said to have mounted a path at one stage and eventually he crashed into a parked car that was there, causing damage to it. 

He was charged with driving without a licence or insurance and driving without due care and attention. 

Swindon Youth Court heard how the defendant said he had made a "silly decision" and that there was "no criminality" behind his actions. 

His defence lawyer added: "He realised the rear brake didn’t work and had a decision to make because he couldn’t come to a stop. If he used the front brake he would go over the handlebars, so he could either go into the side of the car or his two friends.

"He chose to hit the car.

"His stepdad is certainly taking the matter seriously, and I don't believe it is something he will do again. He has no previous convictions and I don't believe you will see him again."

The youth has been on subsequent courses where he has learned about decision-making and peer pressure including "how to say no to friends". 

He was described by his stepdad as polite and helpful, who added that that he was thinking more about his future, career paths and what he wanted to do.

When asked if he had learned his lesson about how to think before acting but the magistrate, he said: "100 per cent."

The magistrate added: "If I pulled my bike into the car park and said have a go on it what would you say," 

He replied: "I'd say no."

His defence argued that he should be given a conditional discharge, but the two magistrates decided this was not appropriate. 

Instead, he was given a £50 fine and penalty points on his driving licence, which would take effect were he was to get one. 

He was also ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £26.