A young man from Chippenham has turned his passion for gardening into a business and has plans to open his own shop in the next few years.

William Hogger, 21, completed a horticulture diploma and started selling plants from his home nearly three years ago.

When 150 people showed up for his first plant sale, he realised he could bring something new to the market, and Gardening 4 U was founded.

William said: “It’s a hobby that turned into a business. A young person in the horticultural industry is quite unique and that’s what makes my brand really special.

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The Wiltshire Gazette and Herald: William Hogger at a pop-up plant sale

“People get a personal service, more for their money - as we sell them up to 35 per cent off RRP - and better quality. When they come round to buy plants, they look at the front garden and they’re so engrossed and inspired, and that’s really important because it shows what you can do with a small space.”

Despite working a full-time job alongside the business, William also sells his plants at pop-up shops and country shows.

He added: “I can see myself opening my own shop. I’m excited to see how it goes in the next two to three years.”